Dong tao csirke

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A sárkánylábú csirke a legdrágább éttermek étlapján szerepel dong tao csirke. A Dong Tao egy ritka vietnámi tyúkfajta, amely kiváló húsáról és egyedi lábáról híres. A Đông Tảo településen nemesített sárkánylábú szárnyasokat régen a királyi család és előkelőségek számára tenyésztették, ma azonban a legelegánsabb, legdrágább éttermek étlapján szerepel dong tao csirke. A tojók fehérek, a kakasok tolla tarka. dong tao csirke. Dong Tao - a sárkány lábú csirke. - schuro blogja. A Dong Tao csirkéből jelenleg csak 300 példány létezik. A Dong Tao csirke tömege: a kakas 6 kg, a csirke - 4,5-5,5 kg. Dong Tao csirke nagyon finom húsú és hatalmas lába olyan mint egy sárkányé. Ezek a hatalmas lábak a legfinomabb csemegének számítanak az ország legdrágább éttermeiben dong tao csirke

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. állatvilág.. A világ 11 legdrágább csirkefajtája | Bodytech. A Dong Tao csirke kiváló húsáról ismert, és ez teszi őket nagyon drágává. A Dong Taók Vietnamból származnak, és rendkívül vastag, sárkányszerű pikkelyes lábukról ismertek. Összehasonlításképpen a combjuk mérete egy emberi csuklóéhoz hasonló méretű.. Top 7 legnépszerűbb óriás csirke fajták | Hippocrates Guild. Dong Tao dong tao csirke. a Tao Dong (vagy sárkány csirke) egy ritka fajta, amely egy meglehetősen kis területre korlátozódik Vietnamban, ahol húscsirkeként nevelik. ebben a mikroklímában fejlődnek, és hűvösebb éghajlaton nem teljesítenek jól. A Dong Taos nagy és nagyon ritka csirke.. Miért kerül egy csirke több mint félmillió forintba?. 2018 áprilisában az isztambuli rendőrség 802 Đông Tảo tojást foglalt le a repülőtéren dong tao csirke. A bűnözők speciális bőröndökben akarták becsempészni az értékes portékát, sikertelenül. A hatóságok a tojások összértékét 1,6 millió dollárra becsülték.. Sárkánylábú csirke - Szem-Szájnak. Sárkánylábú csirke Toochee 2015. június 23. 12:41 2 Ha tetszik, lájkold, és oszd meg ismerőseiddel. Csatlakozz a A Golden Blog rovata, a legfrissebb hírekkel, eseményekkel, elemzésekkel, háttéranyagokkal.. A világ legnagyobb csirkelábja Dong Tao csirkeláb (vietnami csirke . dong tao csirke. A Dong Tao csirkéből levest készítenek, ami tápláló hatású lehet. Ugyanakkor azok, akik túlterhelték az agyukat, ehetnek Dongtao csirkét is, ami javíthatja az emberek, különösen a gyerekek agyi környezetét.Evés után bizonyos előnyökkel jár a szellemi fejlődésben.. Délkelet-Ázsia bizarr konyhája - a legmeghökkentőbb ételek. Délkelet-Ázsia bizarr konyhája. Délkelet-Ázsia Földünk egyik legnépesebb és legsokszínűbb vidéke dong tao csirke. Népek, kultúrák, vallások, szokások keverednek itt évezredek óta, ami többek között a gasztronómiában is megmutatkozik

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. Az itteni konyhák világhírűek, aki egyszer belekóstolt, nehezen tudja feledni.. 11 Legdrágább csirkefajták a világon - A legtöbb háztáji csirketartó hallott már olyan elterjedt fajtákról, mint az Orpington vagy a Rhode Island Reds. De hallottál már a Dong Taosról vagy a Deathlayerről? Ezek a csirkék a legdrágábbak a világon dong tao csirke. Sok ilyen drága fajta nagy keresletnek.. Ismerje meg a Dong Tao csirkét és az óriási lábait. A Dong Tao húsnak valóban nagyon ízletesnek kell lennie. teremtés . A populáció igénye mellett ezen faj nevelése nem a legegyszerűbb feladat. Nagyon érzékenyek a hőmérséklet-változásokra, és kevesebb tojást tojnak, mint egy átlagos csirke dong tao csirke. Nagy hely szükséges a csendes élethez is; egyébként a harcok gyakoriak.. A klasszikus Gong Bao csirke recept | Street Kitchen. A Gong Bao csirke (más néven Kung Pao csirke, mogyorós csirke, 宫保鸡丁)egy hagyományos szecsuáni, csípős étel, ami a kínai Qing dinasztiára nyúlik vissza. A mai napig nagy népszerűségnek örvend Kínában, hiszen elkészítése igen egyszerű. Kipróbáltam, jóóó lett! 66 Hibát találtam Hirdetés Hozzávalók - 2 főre + A csirke pácolásához 500 g csirkecombfilé. Különleges képek a világ minden tájáról | A sárkány, mint a Dong Tao . dong tao csirke. A sárkány, mint a Dong Tao csirke lába Az egyik legritkább csirkefajta a világon. Gong-bao csirke Recept - Elkészítés Elkészítés: Előveszünk egy keverőtálat, és lazán beleszórjuk a kicsi kockákra vágott csirkemellet. Sózzuk, és összekeverjük a szójaszósszal, 2 evőkanál borral és a kukoricaliszttel. Hozzákeverjük a félig felvert tojásfehérjét, lefedjük, és fél órára bent felejtjük a hűtőben. dong tao csirke

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. Eladó csirke - Magyarország - Jófogás dong tao csirke. 96 csirke apróhirdetés az ország egész területén. csirke árak, csirke olcsón, csirke vásárlás a Jófogáson. Jófogás - közel 1,5 millió termék egy helyen dong tao csirke. Dong Tao Chicken Breed Guide: Size, Feet, Eggs, Care, & Pictures. Dong Tao Chicken Breed Guide: Size, Feet, Eggs, Care, & Pictures. Dong Tao Chicken, or The Vietnamese Dragon Chicken, will surprise you with its different attire. It is also popularly known as Ga Dong Tao chicken. They have thick, heavy, and scaly legs, which are unusual among many chicken breeds.. Dong Tao: Vietnamese Dragon Chickens - Heritage Acres Market LLC. Background and History of the Dong Tao Chicken Breed. The Dong Tao is an ancient chicken breed from Vietnam. They originated in the village of Đông Tảo in the district of Khoái Châu, which is close to the city of Hoa Lu, Vietnams ancient royal capital.. Dong Tao Chickens | Dragon Legged Chickens - YouTube. Dong Tao Chickens | Dragon Legged Chickens. The Dong Tao chicken, also called the Dragon Chicken, is a breed of domestic chicken from Vietnam. Want to see more like this? dong tao csirke. Dong Tao Chicken: Pictures, Facts, Uses, Origins & Characteristics. Dong Tao chickens are very large, with roosters reaching up to 13 pounds and hens ending up around 10 pounds. Both males and females have enlarged feet and legs covered with reddish scales, and males tend to have even more dramatic enlargement. Female Dong Taos are generally pure white or white with brown speckles.. Dong Tao Chicken Breed Profile: All You Need to Know dong tao csirke. The Dong Tao chicken, or Vietnamese Dragon chicken, is an incredibly rare and highly valuable breed best known for its strange appearance and specialty meat. These mild-mannered birds have thick, heavy, and scaly legs. They may have typical single combs with standard-sized waddles — or these features may also be thick and scaly, too.. 9 of the Largest Chicken Breeds | HowStuffWorks dong tao csirke. Dong Tao Chicken; Jersey Giant Chicken; 9. Malay Chicken. Malay chickens come from Asia, particularly Malaysia, Indonesia and Northern India. Not only is the Malay on the bigger side — males weigh in at 9 pounds (4.08 kilograms) and hens at 7 pounds (3.18 kilograms) — it is also one of the tallest chicken breeds dong tao csirke. At a whopping 3 feet (0.91 .. Dong Tao chicken - Wikipedia. Dong Tao chicken (Vietnamese: gà Đông Tảo), also called Dragon Chicken, is a rare Vietnamese chicken breed with enlarged feet, that originates from the village Đông Tảo in Khoái Châu District near Hanoi.. Dong Tao Chicken Breed Guide - Eco Peanut. Looking for information on the rare Dong Tao chicken? This guide will tell you all about the Dong Tao, including physical features, temperament, & raising tips.. Dong Tao Chicken: Traits, Eggs, and FAQ (Expensive Chickens) - Farmpertise. Dong Tao is a rare, expensive chicken breed mainly raised for food in Vietnam dong tao csirke. In particular, it is prized for its enlarged, bulky legs, which contain large amounts of meat. The Dong Tao chickens leg meat has long been considered a delicacy in Vietnamese cuisine. Keep reading to learn more about this wonderful breed of chicken, its royal .. Dong Tao Chicken - The Dragon Chicken! - My Chicken Guide. Dong Tao Chicken Nutritional Requirements. When well cared for a Dong Tao chicken can reach a lifespan of 6-7 years. At their full size a Dong Tao chickens weighs between 10-13 pounds. Dong Tao chickens need a high percentage of protein in their diet. They require a high protein chicken crumble or pellet as well as access to foraging for .. Greenfire Farms. Greenfire Farms raises the worlds rarest and most beautiful chickens dong tao csirke. If you count yourself among the chicken-obsessed then this is your home! We invite you to explore our website and learn the fascinating histories of chickens collected from the four corners of the globe dong tao csirke. You can become a steward of these rare chicken breeds and join in the .. Dong Tao chicken: Everything you need to know - Its Poultry. Features of the Dong Tao chicken dong tao csirke. Dong Tao chickens are very unique and different from many other known chicken breeds. These chooks are huge and have thick dragon legs which have the same thickness as the human wrist. This huge chicken is heavy and mature late at 8 to 12 months than other chickens that reach sexual or market weight at 22 to 24 . dong tao csirke

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. These Dragon Chickens Can Sell for Over $2,000 Each - Business Insider. Narrator: This is a Đông Tảo chicken, often known as dragon chickens. These thick-legged birds can sell for over $2,000. Each one can take years of raising and special care, and the best are .. Giant legs of Vietnams dragon chicken a Lunar New Year delicacy dong tao csirke. The lumpy legs of the Dong Tao chicken - named after the commune where it is bred in northern Vietnam - are popular during Vietnamese Lunar New Year The breed with legs as thick as a brick .. Dong tao chicken for sale - Facebook. Dong tao chicken for sale. 721 likes. Animal Shelter. Vietnamese Dong Tao Chicken Care Guide | Horizon Structures. Dong Tao Appearance dong tao csirke. These birds are striking, with their bright colors and muscular legs. They average around 16 inches in length and can weigh as much as 5.5 lbs. Their colorings are typically a mottled mix of blues, greens, browns, reds, and black. Their combs and wattles are almost always some shade of red.. 10 of the Most Expensive Chicken Breeds in the World - Nature of Home dong tao csirke. A Dong Tao chicken can cost between $1250-$2000 and are only available in Vietnam. 4. Olandsk Dwarf Chicken. The Olandsk Dwarf chicken originates in Sweden. At one point, only 50 of these chickens lived on the planet, making them even rarer than the Orust. Olandsk Dwarf chickens are very friendly and get along with other breeds, as well as .. Dong Tao Vietnamese chickens - BackYard Chickens. 4,681 dong tao csirke. 531. MA. Michael OShay said: Basically thats it, and even if you manage to somehow purchase some in Vietnam, they run about $2500.00 a pair. And even if the OP finds some and does buy them, theyd have to stay in Vietnam dong tao csirke. Importation of poultry, from hatching eggs to live birds, is currently banned.. Productive Performance and Egg and Meat Quality of Two Indigenous . dong tao csirke. The Dong Tao breed has completely different characteristics from the other indigenous chicken breeds from Vietnam dong tao csirke. It has big sized legs, with feathers of five varying colours (two for males and three for females, see Figure 2) and comparatively higher body weight than the other Vietnamese indigenous chicken breeds . The conservation of the Ho . dong tao csirke. 10 Rarest Chicken Breeds in the World - Food Security dong tao csirke. Here are the 10 rarest chicken breeds. 1. Dong Tao. Dong Tao chicken is one of the 10 rarest chicken breeds you will find in the Philippines and in the world except for Vietnam. This impressive bird is native to Dong Tao village near Hanoi, Vietnam. It is known locally as the dragon chicken and has become famous for its extremely large legs. dong tao csirke. 15 Largest Chicken Breeds (with Pictures) | Pet Keen. The Dong Tao is a rare breed that originates from Vietnam Vietnam dong tao csirke. They are highly prized for their high-quality meat, but they are not considered a good breed for laying. The Dong Tao is ungainly, growing up to 11 pounds, and has large feet and legs. They are likely to stomp on and break the eggs before you have a chance to get in and remove .. Dragon chickens unusual and rare features make it . - Yahoo. The Dong Tao chicken, otherwise known as the dragon chicken, is an "exceedingly unusual and rare" with notably large and scaly feet, according to the blog Domestic Forest.. The 11 Most Expensive Chicken Breeds in the World in 2024. Dong Tao — $2,500. A single Dong Tao pullet can cost up to $2,000 or more! ©Hoang Quoc Phuong/ Dong Tao, originating from Vietnam, is renowned for having the most delectable meat among all chicken breeds. However, the demand for these chickens is so high that breeders struggle to meet the demand.

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. Dong Tao Chicken: $2000 Dragon Feet Bird. Dong Tao Chicken: $2000 Dragon Feet Bird. August 2, 2023 by Vanessa dong tao csirke. If there was a competition for the most unique chicken breeds out there, the Dong Tao chicken would undoubtedly be high up on that list if not at the very top. This chicken is of Vietnamese origin and its distinct look once made it a reserve of the royal family.. Top 8 Rare Chicken Breeds (With Pictures) - Chicken Scratch. 2. Ayam Cemani Chicken. While the Dong Tao is one of the very expensive and rare chicken breeds, the Ayam Cemani breed is in a class all by itself

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. Some refer to the Ayam Cemani is the absolute Lamborghini of rare chicken breeds dong tao csirke. These chickens are mysterious, beautiful and extremely rare. dong tao csirke. The Top 25 Ugliest Animals on Earth - Owlcation. Dong Tao Chicken 11. Naked Mole Rat 10. Aye-Aye 9 dong tao csirke. Star-Nosed Mole 8. Sea Pig 7 dong tao csirke. Northern Elephant Seal 6. Horseshoe Bat 5. Eastern Long-Beaked Echidna 4. Babirusa 3. Giant isopod 2 dong tao csirke. Blobfish 1. Angler Fish dong tao csirke. Russian saiga antelope. Wikipedia Commons. 25 dong tao csirke. Russian Saiga Antelope.. Ga Dong Tao | Hühnerzucht Rauch - Broholmer Österreich. Ga Dong Tao ist eine seltene vietnamesische Hühnerrasse

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. Wie ihr Name schon verrät, stammen sie vom Ort "Dong Tao" in der Region "Khoai Chau" ab. Früher wurde die Rasse nur für den Verzehr der Königsfamilie gezüchtet

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. Heute findet die Rasse immer mehr Liebhaber - auch außerhalb ihrer Herkunft!. Lunar New Year: Why is Vietnams dragon chicken so expensive? - Gulf News dong tao csirke. The meat of the Dong Tao chicken is prized for its chewy texture and is also low in fat. Hung Yen, Vietnam: On a farm close to Hanoi, Le Van Hien picks out the best bird among his flock of "dragon .. Vietnamese dragon chickens for sale | Ohio City OH - Facebook. WE ARE A POULTRY FARM BREEDING RARE AND SPECIAL CHICKEN SPECIES LIKE DONG TAO CHICKEN AND EGGS, AYA. Vietnamese dragon chickens for sale, Ohio City, Ohio. 1,156 likes · 2 talking about this. WE ARE A POULTRY FARM BREEDING RARE AND SPECIAL CHICKEN.. Giant legs of Vietnams dragon chicken a Lunar New Year delicacy dong tao csirke. Each Dong Tao chicken with legs as thick as a brick can fetch up to US$2,000 (S$2,644)

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. Read more at Dong Tao chickens produce strong profits for Hung Yen farmers. Their survival rate exceeds 93%. After production costs, each chicken produces about 2 USD in profit - more than other chicken breeds. Khac Chung, a Dong Tao chicken farmer in Hung Yen, said, "Raising this type of chicken is profitable. The best breeding techniques have been explained to us so we can apply the model uniformly.".. 8 Endangered Chicken Breeds (with Pictures) | Pet Keen. The 8 Endangered Chicken Breeds. 1. Dong Tao Chicken. Image Credit: Johnwoodkim Phuong, Shutterstock. Also known as "Dragon Chickens," Dong Taos are some of the most unique chickens you will ever encounter. With enormous feet and legs that grow to be as wide as an adult males wrist, Dong Taos are a unique chicken breed.. 12 Most Expensive Chicken Breeds - Know Your Chickens. The Dong Tao chicken price is about $2,500 for a pair of adults. Finding hatching eggs, chicks, and pullets for this breed is extremely rare dong tao csirke. #3 - Kadaknath dong tao csirke. Average price: $1,250. Kadaknaths have a similar appearance to Ayam Cemanis due to their dark feathers. They also have fibromelanosis, and their black meat is said to have healing .. Top 7 Most Popular Giant Chicken Breeds | Chickens And More. 7. Dong Tao dong tao csirke. The Dong Tao (or Dragon chicken) is a rare breed that is limited to a fairly small area in Vietnam where it is raised as a meat chicken. They thrive in this micro-climate and do not do well in cooler climates dong tao csirke. Dong Taos are large and very rare chickens. The hens are a wheaten color while the roosters have a black breasted red plumage.. 19 Largest Chicken Breeds (Eggs Production, Size & Pictures) dong tao csirke. Dong Taos, also recognized as the "dragon chicken," has a distinctive look dong tao csirke. Because of their ugly massive bulky legs, they are a unique large chicken breed. The average weight of a Dong Tao rooster is about 13 lbs, and hens are about 10 lbs dong tao csirke. Dong Tao hens lay about 60 tinted white color eggs. dong tao csirke. The 10 Rarest Chicken Breeds in the World - Eco Peanut. Dong Tao chickens can grow large, between 10-13 pounds, and have thick legs that can be as big as a human wrist. Dong Tao chickens are also poor egg layers, and the hens do not get broody. In fact, the carelessness and clumsiness of the breed makes them notorious for destroying their own eggs. For that reason, breeders must collect the 2-3 eggs .. Dong Tao Chicken: Special type of chicken from Vietnam. Dong Tao chicken egg. Hens only lay around 60 eggs a year. Egg size large and medium. The egg color is white and brown. Dong Tao chicken size and height. Dong Tao is a special chicken from Vietnam that are very big and have thick legs. They come in different colors, like white and red, and their feet look like dragons!. These Are the 10 Largest Chickens In The World - MSN. The Dong Tao chicken is also known as the dragon chicken because of its exceptionally large legs and feet which can be as thick as a persons wrist and covered in red scales.. Rare Breed of Chicken With The Weirdest Legs Is Incredibly Popular And . dong tao csirke. The male adult Dong Tao weighs about 6 kilograms and its legs are as thick as a humans wrist. The price for a Dong Tao chicken meat is quite steep too. A pair of it can be sold for a whopping $2500. The current largest purebred farm for such breed is located in Dong Hoa commune, Vietnams Dong Nai province. This farm is owned by Vu Ngoc .. 10 Rarest Chicken Breeds in the World (with Pictures) | Pet Keen. The Dong Tao chicken is a rare chicken breed that is found in the Dong Tao Village near Hanoi, Vietnam. It is locally known as the "dragon chicken", and has become famous for its extremely large feet. Even though they are considered rare chickens, their meat is a valued delicacy in Vietnam. They were often served to the mandarins .. ドンタオ鶏 - Wikipedia dong tao csirke. ドンタオ鶏 dong tao csirke. ドンタオ鶏(ベトナム語: gà Đông Tảo )、別称ドラゴンチキン 、とは、ベトナムの希少とされる鶏の一種。 大きな足が特徴である。ハノイ近郊のコアイチャウ県ドンタオ村を原産地とする。. ベトナムでは高級食材として珍重されており、かつては王室や官僚に提供するためだけ .. 15 Most Expensive Chicken Breeds In The World - Eco Peanut. The Dong Tao, or Dragonlegged Chicken, is native to Vietnam. This expensive chicken, like the Bresse, comes from one particular town near Hanoi called Dong Tao . Dong Taos are easily recognized by their larger than average feet. The feet require extra care to meet the standards demanded by buyers willing to pay the birds highest price.. Is Vietnamese dragon chicken the most precious chicken in the world?. Also called by the name Dong Tao, Vietnamese dragon chicken breed is known as a scrumptious and expensive food in the world. This species is larger than normal chickens, with giant legs, giving soft and sweet meat that can be processed into numerous delicious dishes dong tao csirke. Complicated farming is one of the reasons why Dong Tao chickens value is so . dong tao csirke. Giant legs of Vietnams dragon chicken a Lunar New Year delicacy. The meat of the Dong Tao chicken -- which can reach up to 10 kg -- is prized for its tough and chewy texture and is also low in fat. It is sometimes served boiled, but also fried, stewed or served . dong tao csirke. Dong Tao chicken, delicacy of Hung Yen province - THE VOICE OF VIETNAM. Anh Huyen -. Wednesday, September 26, 2018 | 14:55:00 dong tao csirke. (VOVWORLD) - Dong Tao or Dong Cao or Dragon chickens are a rare chicken breed of Vietnam dong tao csirke. Originally bred in Dong Tao commune in Hung Yen province as an offering for kings, today it is widely bred but is still considered a Hung Yen delicacy that is favored by gourmets nationwide.. Savor 20 Delicious Gastronomic Treasures - MSN. Antibiotics Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Sesame Instant Ramen Noodles with Broccoli & Soft-Boiled Egg. Butternut Squash Pasta. USDA. USDA USDA. USDA. Spinach, Feta & Rice .. Dong Tao Chicken Breed: Origin, History, Appearance, Size .. Dong Tao Chicken Price dong tao csirke. A Dong Tao chicken can cost anywhere between $1250 and $2000, making them one of the most expensive chicken breeds in the world. Dong Tao chickens are quite rare and hard to find outside of Vietnam, where they originate. Furthermore, Dong Tao chickens are known for their excellent meat quality. Where to Buy Dong Tao Chicken. Houdan Chicken Breed: Everything You Need to Know. If youre considering showing your Houdan chickens, knowing the breed standard is important. According to the American Poultry Association, Houdans should have white feathers with black spots, a V-shaped comb, and blue legs. Their crests should be large and round, and their muffs should be long and full.. General Tao Chicken - Allrecipes dong tao csirke. Beat eggs, salt, and pepper in a mixing bowl until combined. Stir in flour and baking powder until no large lumps remain dong tao csirke. Mix in chicken pieces until evenly coated. Heat vegetable oil in a large skillet or wok over high heat dong tao csirke. Cook chicken in hot oil until golden brown and no longer pink on the inside, about 12 minutes.. Dong tao chicken for sale usa | Archer Lodge NC - Facebook. Dong tao chicken for sale usa, Archer Lodge, North Carolina. 2,099 likes · 4 talking about this. Vietnamese dragon chicken and other rare chicken breeds and eggs poultry farm in USA. Are Dong Tao chickens healthy. : r/chickens - Reddit. Dong Tao are both an ornamental and a meat breed. Ornamental meaning they are ALSO kept as pets or as exhibition birds. It depends on how the breeder breeds them dong tao csirke. Yes, there IS such thing as proper breeding. This is something poultry keepers excell at. Breeding beautiful show birds without horribly messing up a birds health. dong tao csirke. Highest Quality Fowls For Sale - Global Poultry Co. Ltd dong tao csirke. Pearl Guinea Fowl The Pearl Guinea is the most common

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. Hatchery Guinea fowl The Guinea Fowl are available for purchase. French Pearl Guinea for sale The French Pearl Guinea is dong tao csirke. Brown Guineas Global Poultry Co. Ltd® offers quality Brown Guinea.. Dong Tao Chicken - A Rare Expensive Delicacy in Vietnam. Dong Tao chicken is a rare expensive delicacy in Vietnam. A newly-hatched chick takes eight months to one year to become a marketable bird of three to five kilograms. A male adult Dong Tao chicken can weigh up to 6kg dong tao csirke. The hens have feathers of white and plum with a black tail while the cocks have two colours; "ma linh" (glossy black) and .. Traditions and local use of native Vietnamese chicken breeds in .. DONG XUAN, K.D.T. and SZALAY, I. (2003) Possibilities and aspects to introduce foreign poultry genetic resources to Central Vietnam. Proceedings of the 3 rd Vietnamese-Hungarian Conference: Domestic animal production and aquaculture - Quality and rural development, Vietnam, pp. 47-54.. Dong Tao, A rare Vietnamese chicken breed - MBF. 1kg of Dong Tao chicken meat is as expensive as VND350,000 to 400,000 (USD17-19); depending upon the type of chicken you want, you have to be ready with the money in your hands. The breeding stocks cost around VND 100,000 to 120,000 (per chicken). However, if the chicken has thick legs, its price increases up to VND5-6 millions, which is USD238 ..